Keep Your Small Business’ Data Safe With A Solid Disaster Recovery Plan

Being a small business owner, you are faced with a never ending list of challenges. With small margins & competitors at your heels, you have to move faster, work smarter, and serve the needs of your customers in order to stay alive in the fierce competition.

But very often, SMBs are too focused on expanding the business that they overlook a very critical asset of their business – their organization’s data.


Why are small businesses at the highest risk of cyber-attack?

The stakes are high especially for small businesses as they usually don’t have the budget and personnel to safeguard their organization from cyber threats. Small businesses are an easy target for cyber criminals as they know that it is prevalent for smaller organizations to be not so meticulous about their IT infrastructure. To make things worse, hackers who engage in Ransomware apprehend that most small companies will pay generously to get back their files.

If you are still not concerned about the security of your organization’s data, you are playing a gamble with your business. Here are some shocking small business disaster recovery statistics you want to have a look at:

  • According to Small Business Trends 43 percent of cyberattacks are directed at small businesses.
  • A report published by The Denver Post says that 60 percent of small businesses attacked by hackers are now out of business.
  • Fox Business says cyberattacks targeted at small businesses are still rising.
  • According to Security Magazine, lack of awareness is the foremost reason for increasing
  • Security Magazine says just 31 percent of small businesses take proactive measures to safeguard their data.

There is no denying, the risk is there. Provided those shocking statistics, it becomes increasingly important that every SMBs requires solid disaster recovery services in New York City.



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