
Showing posts from May, 2022

How Cloud-Driven Networking Is Leaving Legacy Networks Behind

Changes in the field of information technology are happening quickly. Networks of the recent past are no more adequate for the demands of today’s connected globe. Just like the electric services developed from self-regulated, in-house power generation to a common utility more than a century back, network resources are fast moving towards a global cloud infrastructure. While the evolution might look arduous for some, the end results will be well worth the effort. Discussed below are some of the benefits of shifting to cloud-driven networking. Only pay for what you need: There is no doubt that all companies are worried about the bottom line. Managers and executives are always seeking out ways to save a penny. They’d be delighted to know what on-demand cloud networking service can do for their budget. First, when they move to the cloud, organizations don’t need to incorporate new routers, switches, firewalls – as it is all managed by the cloud provider. Fur...

Why CMMC Is Essential to Prevent Cyber Theft

The amount of data we produce every day is truly mind-numbing and it will only continue to grow in the coming years. As per some estimates, by 2025 worldwide data storage will be sum up to greater than 200 zettabytes. When you consider the fact that 1 zettabyte is equal to 1 trillion gigabytes, you can realize the massive volume of digital info that is susceptible to cyber-attack. By 20225, cybercrime could annually cost firms $10.5 trillion. No industry is safe from Cyberattack. Even government agencies are targets of cybercriminal, including the Department of Defense (DOD) and the Defense Industrial Base (DIB). To tackle the risk cybercriminals pose to DOD data, the department recently instigated the CMMC (Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification). The Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification New York is created to safeguard against illegal access to sensitive DOD info exist on the networks of tens of thousands of firms and research institutes that encom...

What Responsibilities Does A CISO Perform?

The CISO (Chief Information Security Officer) is the executive accountable for the information and data security of an organization. While earlier the role has been rather narrowly interpreted along those lines, today the title is often employed synonymously with CSO & VP of security, representing a more extensive role in the company. What does a Chief Information Security Officer do? Perhaps the greatest way to comprehend the CISO job is to learn what daily responsibilities fall under its umbrella. Security operations: Real-time investigation of instantons threats, and prioritize in the event something goes wrong. Data loss & fraud prevention: Making certain internal workforce does not steal or misuse data. Cyberrisk & cyber intelligence: Keep an eye on emerging security threats, and helping the board comprehend possible security issues that may ascend from procurements or other significant business moves. Security architecture: Planning, purchasing...

What You Need To Do To Be SHIELD Compliant

Came into effect on March 21,2020, the Shield Act is a data privacy regulation that is applicable to any individual or companies which owns or licenses computerized data which encompasses private info of an inhabitant of New York. The act was designed to extend the existing NYDFS by enforcing more strict data security and breach notification requirements. How to achieve SHIELD Compliance? Want to get a step closer to SHIELD compliance? Listed below are some of the key tips you may want to stick to: Find and categorize your private info: It’s not uncommon for companies to have huge volume of private info dispersed all over their network. They’ll have private info kept in mobile devices, desktops, spreadsheets, cloud storage , and in many instances, private info is allocated through email and other communication means. Having sensitive private information scattered over more than one location makes it really tough to monitor who has access to it. And if ...