
Showing posts from December, 2021

23 NYCRR 500 And Potential Penalties for Failure to Meet the Regulation

The NYS DFS (New York State Department of Financial Services) announced 23 New York Code Rules and Regulations 500 (23 NYCRR 500), a cybersecurity parameter for all financial establishments conducting business in New York City. Regulated entities must have a cybersecurity program, cybersecurity policies, a CISO, access privileges, cybersecurity staff, incident response plan, and notification procedures. 23 NYCRR 500 is applicable to all organizations and individuals that are regulated by New York State Department of Financial Services, impacting any organization or individual that “operate under a license, charter, registration, permit, certificate, accreditation or identical consent under the New York insurance law, banking law, or the financial service law.” The rule is also applicable to state-chartered and oversea banks licensed to work in NY . Furthermore, the regulation extends to third-party suppliers who process, store, and convey non-public info r...

What Are The 2 Most Common Types of Computer Maintenance?

System maintenance is a common term that covers different forms of computer maintenance required to keep a system up and running. The 2 major components of system maintenance are preventive and corrective maintenance. Preventive maintenance: Preventive maintenance is known as the hands-on maintenance of equipment prior to a fault or breakdown. This type of maintenance encompasses routine tasks to make sure that your system is working perfectly and to avoid issues prior to them appearing. This is identical to routine upkeep done on an automobile: in the same manner you need to intermittently inspect the engine, lights, oil, and other components of the vehicle to ensure it runs without any glitches. There’re many preventive measures you can take, including installing Windows updates, scanning for viruses & malware, and running cleaning programs. You must run anti-virus and anti-malware scans at least once a week. Ensure to run updates for these programs wh...

4 Cyber Threats Companies Need To Be Prepared For In 2022

An increasing number of cybersecurity threats have SMBs on high alerts. More complicated cyberattacks have been targeted at the assets and data of companies, government establishments, school systems, utilities, and financial institutions. Reinforcing your cybersecurity means being proactive and staying one step ahead of cybercriminals. This begins with recognizing which cyberthreats are most expected to have an effect on businesses this year. Discussed below are the top 4 cyber threats companies need to be prepared for in 2022. Cloud-based phishing attacks: Phishing persists to be the most popular, low-tech approach cybercriminals employ to get access to networks. In 2019, phishing was accountable for 32 percent of deep-rooted data breaches and 78 percent of all cybercrimes. This year, cybercriminals have advanced further and managed to make phishing schemes via companies’ cloud applications. Due to the crime’s comparative newness and the inherent faith...

Why More And More Businesses Will Be Seeking Managed IT Services In 2021

We’re all well-aware that COVID-19 has toppled just about all walks of life in 2020. We are also working with the state of mind that this is our new reality, though we’re pretty confident that the condition will get back to normal soon. Yet, one thing that has not changed is the requirement for professional managed IT services in New York . In fact, as remote working has turned out to be more widespread, IT needs have become more essential and a little more complicated. So, why exactly will businesses both small and large be seeking managed IT services in 2021? Let’s discuss about the top 3 driving factors: Access to latest technologies: Not just does outsourcing IT help with having an extra team of IT professionals able to find and fix problems that emerge, your business also benefit from having access to the newest technology and business-grade solutions that maintain uptime and productivity, such as RMM (remote monitoring and management), BDR (backup a...

Mac or Windows PC? Which One Is A Better Option For Remote Work

Now that several organizations have switched to part-time or full-time remote work environments, you are perhaps pondering what computer you should buy to improve your productivity. You might also use a PC for hobbies such as drawing, gaming, editing videos or recording podcasts. But the issue lies in choosing between a Windows and a Mac PC. It is an age-old competition, Windows PC vs Mac. Both have their strengths and weaknesses, but when you compare the two, which comes out on top? There’s a host of specs and subtle dissimilarities between Mac and Window, but in this article we will be focusing on three: design, repairs and portability. Design: If you are a user who is more conscious about the look of the computer, then you better opt with Macs. They are light, sleek, and have designs that are familiar to anyone. With Windows computers, there’re systems with super designs, but they generally avail with high cost tags that are identical to Apple ...